Thursday, March 21, 2013

Six years strong

If you would have told me six years ago that Sarah would be the vibrant, intelligent, funny little girl that she is today, I would have cried and told you I hoped you would be right.  She is all that and more.

 We are still dealing with some leftover preemie issues - ear infections, tubes, and posture. She had tubes put in last February and her adenoids out after four years of recurrent ear and sinus infections and the beginning stages of hearing loss.  To date, her hearing is greatly improved, and there have been no infections since the placement of the tubes and removal of adenoids.  I was nervous, but the ENT was optimistic ( we still use Yale as a primary source for specialists) and he was right.  Recently she had her six year check up and we are still monitoring healthy growth and improving posture.  Apparently preemies still have postural issues ( sway back) as they grow due to the poor core strength at birth and throughout early development.  She had Birth to Three services, ocupational therapy, and physical therapy. We have her in swimming and gymnastics now and these are nice activities to build strength while she has fun and learns with her peers.